May 19, 2022

From $150,000 in student debt to Millions in Real estate and a thriving business

From $150,000 in student debt to Millions in Real estate and a thriving business

This episode of the educated investor we interview Shiva Bhaskar.  Shiva Bhaskar graduated law school with hundreds in thousand of student debt, then chose to ignore his payments, and ended up with a credit score so low he couldn't qualify to...

This episode of the educated investor we interview Shiva Bhaskar.  Shiva Bhaskar graduated law school with hundreds in thousand of student debt, then chose to ignore his payments, and ended up with a credit score so low he couldn't qualify to rent in the city where he lived.  After working to recover his credit he now has a thriving law practice that helps other people fix their credit, and owns millions in real estate while helping other people gain control of their finances.